Multi-Family Term Loans

About Multi-Family Term Loans

If you’re an investor looking to purchase, refinance, or access equity through cash-out for commercial multi-family or mixed-use properties, our Multi-Family Term Lending program is here to help. These property types offer significant opportunities for strong returns, and we’re

New Construction Loan Details

Interest Rate:

Rates Starting at 8.49%

Loan Term:

30 Year Term Available

Loan Size:

Minimum Loan Amount $500,000

Property Type:

Eligible Mixed-Use and 5+ Unit Multifamily Properties

Max Loan to Value:

Up to 75% LTV

DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio):

Minimum DSCR of 1.25

Credit Score (FICO):

Minimum Credit Score of 680


No Special Use or Commercial Units Only

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a commercial long term loan?

These loans provide money to buy or refinance properties that combine residential and commercial spaces. The aim is to earn more money than what is being spent.

What type of investment strategy can be utilized?

Many people buy properties to make money each month and sell them later for more money. Sometimes they buy a commercial property and fix it up to make the rent higher, so they can sell it for a lot of money later. They might sell it when it’s worth the most or when it’s too expensive to keep up.

How long is the term on these loans?

Our business loans work like our home loans and come in different types, from adjustable-rate mortgages to a fixed-rate loan. We can adjust the loan payment schedule to fit the borrower’s needs.

Is there a minimum loan amount?

This loan requires a minimum of $500,000 for certain kinds of properties and loans. If you don’t know if your property qualifies, please contact our team and speak to one of our experienced associates.

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